Saturday 24 January 2015

How To Get What You Want

Can you answer that without having to look back at your calendar for the last year? If you can, I'm impressed. And I hope you can. It means that you are living a life on purpose; you are the cause of your life rather than being at the effect of it. For that you get a big "Congratulations!" I'd love for you to share how you do it. See, there are many people who are living their life at the effect of everything and everyone around them. I've written about that in the past and, in fact, I call it 'being a victim'. It's energy level 1 in my Energy Leadership Index Assessment.

As a business owner, if you can easily share with someone your top successes and accomplishments then you are probably among the select 2% of successful business owners out there. You more than likely have a vision, a plan, take action and course-correct.

If not, don't worry. I'm here to help you. The below outline is a very quick way for you to have 2015 be all that you want it to be... even if 2014 was a bit disappointing to you.

In the Small Business Secret Weapon process we also work with a bonus step and that is: exercise the principle of autosuggestion. This means that as you take action and complete to-dos and tasks, stuff starts to happen. You run into someone who can help you move closer to your goal, you get an unexpected but needed surprise, and so much more.

I often do VIP days with my clients so that they can start outlining what they want for their business and what they will do to get it. We take a day to do this together but you can do this for yourself. I suggest you take several hours so that you can get very clear on what it is you want. Find a quiet place where you can spend some time and get comfortable. Have a notebook and writing instrument or your computer/tablet so that you can write down your ideas and your plan.

Here is what you are going to do:

Define your purpose. State your overall purpose and then all the other reasons you are doing what you are doing or want to do. Get very clear, visualize how you will feel, what you will be doing, and don't leave anything out - allow yourself time to create this.

Write out your roadmap. This is your to-do list so to speak. You will do x in order to reach $100,000 this year or x to get your business started and so on - write out each step that you can think of. While you want to be very clear, don't worry about being so specific that you get caught up here. Remember, your bonus step from above will help you here!

Schedule your actions. Put each step that you have in your calendar so that you know what you will do and when. If you have a deadline such as 'launch new business', that goes into the future, and then you put the actions that lead up to that date closer to the present so you can take action to get there.

Write out the reason(s) you desire to accomplish your goals. Be as detailed as you can. This is your touchstone so that when things get a bit challenging, you can come back to this to motivate you back into action. It will act as your motivator. Examples: I want to quit my full-time job and work for myself; I want to send my children to college without having to take out loans; I want to retire by 50; I want to do what I love and be my own boss; or I want to be available to my kids. It is what is important to you in your life. Do not judge, this is strictly for you.

Write out why you have faith, belief and confidence. This is another touchstone. I have faith because I know I will be successful, I have faith that this will be exactly as I envision it, and I am confident that I will succeed.
Be as detailed as possible, envision all that you want to accomplish and see yourself accomplishing it. Trust that once you begin taking action, opportunities will find you because the bonus step is real, it does happen.

How To Make A Decision

Humans are highly intelligent beings. Let us not spend our time and energy in doing mundane, repetitive tasks day in and day out for life is precious. Use your critical, analytical, logical thinking skills much more often because that's what differentiates us, humans from animals. We all have a 'leader' in us but often times we choose to follow others for it is an easy way out. It is also easier to blame someone else when things go wrong and we didn't make the decision.

To set you in motion, to fulfill your desire, to reach your goals, you have to gain confidence. This is possible only by learning to make decisions on time. Practice makes permanent.

Sometimes your decision may not produce the desired result nevertheless you made the decision. This makes it imperative to take the time needed before making the decision. Analyze the situation, look for the 'pros' and 'cons' and then make a well-informed, educated decision to get the results that you wanted.

Do you hesitate to make decisions because you think you might be make wrong decisions, if so, just remind yourselves that every human on this earth make mistakes. I would call it an 'error' when you make it the first time. It doesn't mean you can just brush it off when you make mistakes. It is normal for any human to make mistakes but when we repeat the same mistake over and over again that makes it non-learning, being careless on our part.

Don't be afraid to make decisions, make decisions as often as possible, and detour as you face challenges just like when you are on the street during constructions, road closures, or accident that warrants you to take a different path to your destination.

Putting off making decisions leads to nowhere. That can only make you stagnant. Make deliberate determined decisions that take you forward. You may slip once in a while but realize that it is only a slip not a fall. Even if you fall, decide to get up and move.

Expel inertia, tiredness and discouragement and choose to be active, glowing with optimism and believe in yourself for you are a unique flow of stream. There is no one on this earth like you. You are here to experience your life. Avoid procrastination and choose to decide on a daily basis, what's the worst that can happen?

Making decision is the first step that leads you to action. Action promotes detours, new experiences, new learning, facing challenges, adapting to changes and finally to the results you wanted.

When you make a decision, you are moving forward one way or the other. You will never get stuck.

The ability to make decisions at the right time is paramount to take you ahead. Sometimes you may miss the boat when you take longer to decide. Timely decision is vital.

Keep on making decisions and do not postmortem your decisions. Once a decision is made, keep on moving. Going back is like driving with looking in the rear view mirror. Remove the 'should have, would have, and could have' from your dictionary.

If you are parent, let your children make decisions early on. Let the toddler decide what to eat, when to play and when to eat. Talk to them about a balanced meal then they will choose a protein, carbohydrate and fat that they love to eat. When you teach them the 'why' they will make the appropriate decisions.

If you have people reporting to you, let them make decisions then they own the challenges, decisions and results.

Once you show them the why, they often times make the decision that is relevant to the situation on hand and will able to substantiate their decisions with reasons.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Answering Teacher Interview Questions

It is not difficult to find teacher interview questions and their tricky answers.However, your replies during interview produce the final effects. To present perfect answers, you should better understand these questions and know what information the interviewer want to get by these questions is. Fortunately, the recommended website can help you improve your understandings.

Here, we will take some examples:

1.Which method do you choose to assess your student?
It's easy to make the answer. But, this question is important for interviewer to find whether you are the right teacher. Through this question, interviewer could find whether you get the key about education and estimate your teaching level. If you have consensus with us, you could visit the recommended website to get more additional point. Then, you can talk with interviewer about the systemic education concept.

2.In your own opinion, what is the major shortcoming of yourself?

As common sense, you should answer I always pursuit perfect thing,I work hard so as to forget to have a rest, and so forth. However, these predictable answers have little effect to help you to get the job but annoy interviewer.

Actually, the main objective of this question is to find your sincerity. The interviewer think when you encounter this questions, you will seek the best answer. In case you present the previous answers, you cannot get the high point.

Conversely, you say sometimes you are late to reach school for your love sleeping, but the interviewer may give you good point. The sincere answer could increase the reliability of the following answers in the interview.

Have you got it?

In short, the recommended website offers some guidelines for preparing for teacher interview. There, you can find ideas about how to improve your teaching skills, renew your education concepts, get the viewpoint of interviewer, have a good equipment for the interview questions.

Then, you will be a good teacher in the soon future!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

A Few Informations About Hotel Management Degree

A Few Information About Hotel Management Degree

Several post graduate college students will have the motivation to go after a hotel management degree. Attending a university or school that presents a degree in these fields will get ready them nicely for a hotel management job. A well reliable college is in a position to provide all the needed abilities and education one particular would need to have for the producing of a specialist and well-informed graduate that would be much more than prepared to enter into the possibilities presented with the hotel and hospitality management marketplace. Most hotel and hospitality management degree applications can be observed at quite a few colleges and universities and are also supplied by these colleges on line. With a place as a hotel manager, you may possibly be topic to huge tasks this kind of as organizing distinctive events or even big conventions and there will also be other assignments incorporated these as operating front desk, managing the restaurant and workers as very well as operating with the public.

Some may perhaps even achieve a place more than time as currently being the Basic Manager wherever they will oversee just about every element of the establishment operation. There are very a couple of various management positions in this community and each Institution that supplies a hotel management degree system in hotel management will have all the specialised training necessary to fulfill the place that every college student pursues.

Some of the regular operations that a hotel and hospitality supervisor are responsible for are:

Worker teaching

Associating with the public

Human assets

Preserving provider policies intact

Ability to remedy difficulties

Sales and profits and promotion

Excellent social capabilities

Guest companies and accommodating

Business and accounting capabilities

Earnings targeting and spending budget co-ordination

Knowledge of Corporation Ambitions and aims

Hotel and hospitality management packages are presented inside two locations of the hospitality sector and they are the Hotel, motel resort management and the restaurant or meals and banquet management. Restaurant or foods and banquet management are most probably locations that would give the possibility as a Director of Catering. Hotel and Motel, resort management will include managers? positions to perform hand in hand with quite a few other personnel such as function directors, departments in culinary and administration and reservations.

A Hotel management diploma will provide awareness of provisional techniques and leadership growth, and give the training wanted in the operating of simple administrative operations. A management position in the hospitality industry may possibly demand 1 to be offered for lengthy hours as effectively as weekends and defiantly vacations in the peak period.

A hotel management diploma is a pretty successful level of training and will supplies the college student with a nicely configured commence to their hotel management occupation.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Soft Skills Are Important For You?

Most people are still not clear about what soft skills mean. Frankly, the term itself was coined just a few years ago. In any job, the sole importance was given to the candidates resume and what his qualifications were. But nowadays, a lot of stress is being laid on the candidates soft skills and if he is properly trained in them.

So what are soft skills? It is hard to be exact in this case, but it essentially is a method to judge a person?s performance, leadership ability, and team spirit. Hard skills constitute your educational qualifications and previous job experience. In fact, a lot of recruiters are now paying more attention to soft skills rather than the hard ones. A lot of candidates with impressive resumes but poor soft skills have been rejected in the final rounds of interviews.

That is why you should enroll in soft skills programs in order to develop these skills better. Soft skills can be classified into these categories:


This is a very crucial soft skill that you need to possess. The art of negotiating a deal with a client or even negotiating with a co-worker is something that you need to master effectively. There is no hard and fast rule about mastering this aspect but you will be trained to negotiate to the fullest of your capabilities.

Team building

Instilling team spirit in the members of a team is perhaps the most difficult task ever. Ego, personal rivalry, office politics, and various other factors come into play and you have to overcome all these hurdles and utilize all the resources efficiently. This is known as team building and it requires some training beforehand.


Last but not the least, you need to communicate well with your superiors and peers. If you can't express your thoughts or grievances in the proper manner, then it will soon begin to affect your performance. Honing this particular soft skill is all the more important when you are talking to clients of the company.

Looking for an institute that offers soft skills training in Kolkata There are quite a few reputed ones that are providing such training for extremely reasonable fees so it should not be difficult for you to register your name. Just make sure that the institute has a good name in the market and also if it offers good job placements after the completion of the course.

Fire Safety Trainning?

For any premise, may it be a business complex, shop or residential place or an education institution; it should be safe for the people who stay, visit and work in the place. And for this there are many initiatives that can be taken.

One of the most hazardous threats to safety is from fire. Fire has the potential to destroy an establishment in a matter of seconds. So, it is very necessary to one must be aware of the concerns caused by fire. It will be an added advantage if someone goes for fire safety training and helps secure the establishment and the people from this deadly killer.

For fire safety training it is also important to use the best available fire safety training machines such as the smoke machines or smoke generator which can produce effects similar to a real life situation. There are many smoke machines and other fire safety training equipment available in the market specific to industries such as aviation, manufacturing and others. So, you can choose the equipment which is suitable for your industry. It is not necessary to buy these smoke test equipment as there are many companies which offer them on hire.

When choosing fire safety training equipment care must be taken on the quality and their compliance to OH & S regulations. When choosing a smoke machine ensure that it is checked for quality in terms in its compliance with standards. There are many companies in Australia offering quality smoke machines for hire as well as to buy. You can find any good fire safety training supplier online. But before you choose a supplier ensure that the equipment is compliant to OHS regulations.

Job In Information Technology

 Information technology has entered almost in all sphere of our life. From electricity bill payment to shopping all are related and effected by IT in some way to other. Industries are automating their task to cut down manual labor cost. Home appliances, industrial machines, watch, automobiles are using software to enhance the quality of products. As a result demand of IT professionals is high in market.

A Promising Future 

IT jobs are promising, it offers hefty salary package with immense opportunity to grow and expand your career. If you are expert in your field and have good knowledge on your subject then you can easily get handsome salary package. All you need to have to build your career in It industry is right degree and skill, it is the only qualification you need to make your career in IT industry. If your are fresher and looking for primary level IT jobs then internet could help you in finding your avenue but for specialist level and higher standard IT jobs you have to rely on your professional contact as most of the organizations did not disclose higher level job opening at job portals. 

How to Start Your IT Career

You can start your IT career as a software engineer, web developer, database manager and IT Hardware professional. To accelerate your IT career it is important to update your skill from time to time. Learn industry level skill and enhance your capability. Course offered by SAP and Oracle are very promising though it is not easy to clear these exams but once you become SAP or Oracle certified professional you value will increase in the industry. 

Search IT Jobs

Searching IT Jobs is not a tough job there are various online portals and IT recruitment companies dealing in IT jobs. Job portals are more useful as there you can see different openings posted by numbers of IT companies. IT jobs are promising; it is one of the well-paid industries with fast growth rate. Start hunting for your dream IT job with online portals and give right shape to your career.

Send your resume to online job portals for IT job and get hired by best IT companies.

Thursday 1 January 2015


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